By taking the time to accurately measure your ring size, you can ensure a smooth shopping experience and enjoy your jewelry to the fullest! Please follow our guide to measure your ring size accurately.
Method 1 : Printable PDF Ring Size Guide
To achieve an accurate measurement, please make sure to uncheck any "scale to fit page" options when printing this guide.
Paper Ring Sizer: Cut out the paper ring sizer and follow the instructions to measure your finger.
Existing Ring Comparison: Place an comfortable ring that fits your desired finger over the circle guides provided on the page to find the corresponding size.
Method 2: Measuring with a Mandrel
Hold the plastic mandrel vertically with the narrow side facing up. Gently use slight pressure to slide your comfortable ring onto the mandrel until it stops. Avoid forcing the ring down and ensure it fits snugly around the mandrel for an accurate size reading.
Method 3: Measuring with a Plastic Sizer Gauge
Take the plastic sizer gauge and start with a size you think might fit. Place the ring sizer onto your finger and slide it down until it feels snug but comfortable, ensure you are able to slide it off without too much effort. Look at the size marking on the gauge that aligns with the edge of your finger. This is your ring size.
For all sizing methods, be sure you are doing so on or with the specific finger (and hand) you will be wearing the ring on. Your finger size can vary throughout the day, so try measuring at different times for the best result.